Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Walker

In this piece at the Walker by Andy Worhol , in 1964 of the sixteen Jackie’s , Andy Worhol used acrylic enamel on canvas to show the pictures of Jackie Kennedy. Andy had taken photos that were taken of Jackie Kennedy by photographers on the date that John F Kennedy was assonated. The first set of four photographs were when Jackie was getting off of air force one the plane, The next set of four pictures was of Jackie looking in shock when Lyndon B Johnson was swearing in as the new president, the third set of four photographs were of Jackie looking depressed at the funeral of her husband John F Kennedy, the fourth set of photographs were of Jackie smiling riding in the limo with John f Kennedy moments before his assignation at the parade.

I thought this was a very powerful piece because it showed the emotions of Jackie Kennedy at different times of the day , The day that her husband was assonated from when she got off the plane to moments after he was shot to when the new president was being swearing in to the day of John F Kennedy’s funeral and moments before his death at the parade. This was a very depressing time for many people who where in favor of John F Kennedy and especially Jackie and his loved ones and family. When I first scene this piece of work by Andy Worhol it immediately made me think of the piece he did of  Marylyn  Monroe because I had never before seen this piece in tell we went to the Walker art  center and had a tour with my orientation to art and design class. 


  1. I think you chose an excellent piece by Andy Warhol. I think you are correct in saying that this piece is a very powerful. To me it represents how one event can change everything about us. However, I feel that you didn't quite get to the essence of the piece and what you truly think this entire piece is all about. I feel like you just gave the background of it. Maybe you could have explained why you think Andy Warhol would make this work of art.
    I love the piece that you chose!

  2. I agree with Susan's comment - this seems almost more like a description. Are you saying your interpretation of the piece is that it is designed to express Jackie's emotional state? To help the Nation with its grief? If so, what aspects of it support that idea? How does the repetition of the images fit? The color, medium? Also... several others in the class have discussed this piece - what do you make of their interpretations?
