Thursday, October 29, 2009


Banksy's Mona Lisa
Over the coarse of this class I have seen many different types of work from many artists. I have learned almost every artist in today's society has a different way of doing art, unless they are taking an image or idea from a piece of art from another artist and changing it to make it their own. While reading the blogs i found a piece very interesting because it was an image of the Mona Lisa holding a rocket launcher. This was a really powerful image to me. This is because it really got me thinking as to why he would do this. I thought that it might have been a humorous dipction of the society we live in today.
I looked up more information on Banksy and found out that he is an anonymous English graffiti artist. Banksy was known best for his stencils which would feature striking and humorous images occasionally combined with slogans. Graffiti is street art and it is usually with the use of spray paint, stencils or stickers. Artists like Banksy write random names to identify themselves and their artwork. Many people do not approve of graffiti and find it very destructive and a nuisance to society and others love seeing the colorful pieces of art that the artist put plenty of time,skill, and risk or arrest in to. In many countrys graffiti is accepted and most could really care less about it, but in America it is illegal and people can go to jail or even prison and end up with felonies for this.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Walker

In this piece at the Walker by Andy Worhol , in 1964 of the sixteen Jackie’s , Andy Worhol used acrylic enamel on canvas to show the pictures of Jackie Kennedy. Andy had taken photos that were taken of Jackie Kennedy by photographers on the date that John F Kennedy was assonated. The first set of four photographs were when Jackie was getting off of air force one the plane, The next set of four pictures was of Jackie looking in shock when Lyndon B Johnson was swearing in as the new president, the third set of four photographs were of Jackie looking depressed at the funeral of her husband John F Kennedy, the fourth set of photographs were of Jackie smiling riding in the limo with John f Kennedy moments before his assignation at the parade.

I thought this was a very powerful piece because it showed the emotions of Jackie Kennedy at different times of the day , The day that her husband was assonated from when she got off the plane to moments after he was shot to when the new president was being swearing in to the day of John F Kennedy’s funeral and moments before his death at the parade. This was a very depressing time for many people who where in favor of John F Kennedy and especially Jackie and his loved ones and family. When I first scene this piece of work by Andy Worhol it immediately made me think of the piece he did of  Marylyn  Monroe because I had never before seen this piece in tell we went to the Walker art  center and had a tour with my orientation to art and design class. 

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Midway

While I was at the midway for the first time I found out that art can be very weird and that art can almost be considered anything. There where video pieces of art work, collages, paintings, abstract art, modern art and objects like a metal star that was hanging on the wall and a ticket window with bullet holes in it.

The one piece that caught my attention the most was a piece done by Kelly Walker called Chess player 2002 CD-rom collection of Darwin and Geri Reedy. This piece was a very large piece it was originally done on a CD rom. It is of a colorful piece with patterns of color going in every direction red ,blue ,purple ,green ,orange and white are some of the colors that I see in this piece. It is a repeated pattern there are two of the over all images placed next to each other. Behind the collage of shapes and many colors there is a man standing with his hands in his pockets. He is wearing a striped hooded sweater he is also repeated multiple times standing behind the main image. The piece starts to show shapes in the many different colors and shows many patterns as well. I’m not sure why Kelly Walker calls it chess player but I think it’s the guy that’s pictured in the piece of art work.

I couldn’t find very much information on Kelly walker I do know that she is a multimedia art because her art works very from different mediums. I did find a quote of hers “ Sometimes I’ll present a work to the public and listen to the responses then pull it back, shape it and put it back out” I found this quote interesting because most artists put a piece of art work out and never go back and rework things on that piece of art work. I know that when I put a piece of my work out I usually never rework it. Another quote of kellys “I really don’t like the term appropriation’ says walker , while taking a break from prepping for a current show at greene naftali. (http;//

Thursday, September 24, 2009


This assignment was to pick three different objects from the MIA on different floors and put them together to form a new installation with new meaning. In the scene that i am creating i would put a budda statue from Asia wearing a set of body armor from Europe and holding a 19th century axe from Africa.
i feel that budda is already a figure of innessence and that he is portrayed as god that never has to fight but for once he is a warrior and i think this goes against all beliefs making him a warrior to fight intead of always using peace for everything.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

in this image by andy warhol of marilyn monroe 1962 silkscreen ink was considered a postmodern piece of art work. This was because marilyn monroe was a pop icon and thought to be purfect by many people at the time. By making multiple images of her he made people see that she wasn't perfect and that she did have her flaws. i thought that this piece was a strong representation of post modern art work.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

first post

My name is James. I'm from St Paul, Mn. I'm in orientation to art and design. I also go to the College of Visual Arts in St Paul, Mn. Through out this semester i will be blogging about various artists and art works that are local in in my area.